Upcoming Conferences & Workshops
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Timbre and Orchestration Summer School 2025
The Analysis, Creation, and Teaching of Orchestration (ACTOR) Project is pleased to announce its third Timbre and Orchestration Summer School (TOSS 2025), scheduled for June 3-7 at McGill University in Montréal, QC, Canada. This edition will be linked with the Timbre and Orchestration in Popular Song (TOPS) Conference.
Following the success of previous editions, TOSS 2025 continues to explore the multifaceted world of timbre and orchestration research, encompassing musicology, history, music theory, composition, cognitive neuroscience, and acoustics. This program targets graduate students (and advanced undergraduates), postdoctoral researchers, and early-career scholars involved in music-related research who have a strong interest in timbre and orchestration.
Abstract Deadline: December 15, 2024
Host: ACTOR Project, Schulich School of Music (McGill University)

Timbre and Orchestration in Popular Song Conference
Timbre and orchestration are essential aspects of musical experience in any culture or style. They enable us to effortlessly identify different genres of music and are particularly important in popular musics. This centrality is reflected in Timbre and Orchestration in Popular Song (TOPS), a three-day conference hosted by McGill University's Schulich School of Music and the ACTOR (Analysis, Creation and Teaching of Orchestration) Partnership. The conference features keynote presentations by Nina Sun Eidsheim (UCLA) and Kevin Holt (Stony Brook University), and workshops by Lindsey Reymore (Arizona State University), Nicole Biamonte (McGill University), Claire McLeish (Third Side Music), and Megan Lavengood (George Mason University).
TOPS convenes scholars, producers, performers, and audiences of popular music for keynote lectures, workshops, posters, and papers, united under the theme of how timbre and orchestration give rise to critical and analytical accounts of genre, identity, performance, production, and perception. The conference schedule overlaps with the ACTOR's third annual Timbre and Orchestration Summer School (June 3–7), which is designed for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and early-career researchers.
Abstract deadline: February 1, 2025
Host: Schulich School of Music (McGill University), ACTOR Partnership
Website: www.mcgill.ca/tops2025

18th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition
The 18th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition aims to bring together researchers, scholars, students, and professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds to collaborate, share insights, and inspire innovative approaches to studying music perception and cognition within an ever-evolving technological and transcultural landscape. For the first time in Brazil and in the Global South, the conference will be hosted in São Paulo, a city renowned for its multicultural vibrancy and rich musical diversity.
Conference theme: Echoes and Ecologies - New Landscapes for Music Perception and Cognition
By exploring how music resonates within individuals and across communities, this conference seeks to shed light on the complex interplay between auditory experiences and the multifaceted environments in which they occur. Through interdisciplinary inquiry, participants will examine how advancements in psychology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and other fields are reshaping our understanding of how we perceive and process music in various cultural frameworks. The conference will also explore the effects of innovative technologies and emerging musical practices, such as new performance settings and advanced music-making techniques, on our experiences and interpretations of sound. Papers specifically addressing the conference theme will be highlighted in the program. There is no expectation that all papers address the theme.
Abstract Deadline: January 31, 2025
Host: Universidade Federal do ABC, Associação Brasileira de Cognição e Artes Musicais, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and Festival de Inverno de Campos do Jordão
Website: https://icmpc2025.abcogmus.com

Schemas in Language, Music, and Visual Cognition
We are pleased to announce our conference on the schematic basis of meaning in language, music, and visual cognition. The event aims to gather linguists, psychologists, philosophers, neuroscientists, music, visual cognition, and multimodality researchers interested in schematic structures underlying (conceptual) meaning construction from any theoretical perspective (formal, functional, or eclectic). The phenomena of interest include, but are not limited to, image schemas, conceptual primitives, scripts, cross-modal correspondences, conceptual metaphors, metonymies and blends, semantic frames, mental and simulation models, and multimodal aspects of schematic meaning generation.
Confirmed keynotes: Ray Jackendoff (Tufts / MIT), Todd Oakley (CWRU), Beate Hampe (Erfurt).
Host: University of Niš, Serbia
Website: https://schemas.rs/conference2024/

Music Has Power® Symposium and Awards Ceremony: Music, Brain Health, and Music-Based Interventions in Senior Wellness and Healthcare
The Music Has Power® Symposium and Awards Ceremony is back! Join us for an exciting day of discussions, presentations, and networking as we explore the intersection of music, brain health, and senior wellness. This event brings together renowned leaders in music therapy, neuroscience, and senior healthcare to showcase the latest advancements and research in music-based interventions. This year's Music Has Power® Awards, honorees are Dr. Edward Large, Neuroscientist, and, Greg Barnhill, composer, musician. With performance by Gerg Barnhill and friends.
Hosted by the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function
Location: The Times Center
Website: https://www.imnf.org/mhp2024-symposium-and-awards-ceremony

3rd International Conference on Psychology and Music - Interdisciplinary Encounters (PAM-IE 2024)
We aim to bring together the diverse research endeavors of individuals and institutions in the interdisciplinary field of psychology and music and to continue providing a setting where they can make their work visible to each other and a broader interested audience.
Conference research topics: Psychological aspects of: - processing music - musical potential and development - music performance - music and individual differences - music and well-being - music and affect - music in social contexts - state of the art.
Keynote speakers & lectures:
- Suvi Saarikallio, Professor of Music Education, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies: Is music and emotion research an act of building a socially sustainable future?
- Blanka Bogunović, Professor of Psychology and Education Science, University of Arts Belgrade, Faculty of Music: Personality of music students and its relationship to musical skills and accomplishments
- Gary McPherson, Ormond Professor of Music, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music: The roles of self-determination and self-regulation in novice to expert musicians
- Fredrik Ullén, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt am Main: Gene-environment interplay in skill learning and expertise: what have we learned from research on music?
Conference email: psymu2024@muza.unizg.hr
Host(s): University of Zagreb Academy of Music & Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Website: http://www.muza.unizg.hr/psymu2024/

Expression, Language, and Music, 2nd Meeting (ELM2)
The Second Biennial Conference on Expression, Language, and Music (ELM2) will bring together researchers from linguistics, philosophy, cognitive science, music theory, dance theory, anthropology, and neurobiology with the aim of integrating recent findings and insights from diverse perspectives concerning the significance of expression in music, dance, and language, the importance of systematic structure in these domains, and the interrelations between expressive, musical, and communicative capacities and their relevance for understanding music cognition and language and their emergence in ontogeny and phylogeny.
Keynote Speakers: - Ani Patel (Tufts) - Paul Boghossian (NYU) - Isabelle Charnavel (Université de Genève) - Reyna Gordon (Vanderbilt) - Eduardo Mercado (University at Buffalo) - Philippe Schlenker (Ecole Normale Supérieure & NYU) - Alison Wray (Cardiff)
Host(s): University of Connecticut
Website: https://elm.clas.uconn.edu

Rhythm under the Microscope: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Microrhythm and Groove in Popular Music
Since Charles Keil (1987) argued that very small variations in timing, which he called “participatory discrepancies,” were crucial for a sensation of groove, microrhythm has been the subject of much scholarship in a variety of disciplines. Researchers have struggled to find convincing empirical evidence for the aesthetic effects proposed by Keil. Today, however, numerous studies show that timbre, center frequency, dynamic envelope, and duration influence the perception of rhythmic “feel” at least as much as timing.
This conference seeks to bring together musicians and scholars from various disciplines to connect their different perspectives and further the current state of microrhythm and groove research. Paper presentations should be 25 minutes long, with an additional 10 minutes allotted for questions and answers. We also encourage scholars to submit ideas for 90-minute workshops in which a group of participants would have the opportunity to learn about current research methods or new software and implement them.
Host(s): University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Institute of Popular Music
Website: https://www.ipop.at/rhythm/

7th International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science (CHSCOM2024)
We are thrilled to welcome you to the vibrant city of Linköping, the host city for CHSCOM 2024. This conference continues to serve as a unique platform, bringing together the finest minds in the field of cognitive hearing science.
Our commitment to fostering high scientific quality remains unwavering. This year, we have carefully curated sessions revolving around four distinct themes, showcasing the latest advancements, research, and discussions within the world of cognitive hearing science. The themes are Hearing, cognition and wellbeing, Communicative effort, fatigue, and ecological assessment, Neural coding of auditory and multisensory signals and Technologies in hearing science and translation.

SysMus24: The 17th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus '24)
SysMus is a series of international conferences organised annually by postgraduate students and early career researchers in the broad field of systematic musicology. This year's event will be hosted by the University of Jyväskylä in Jyväskylä, Finland, from June 8th to 10th, 2024. We invite presentations in the form of live or virtual talks or posters.
SysMus is dedicated to representing the diversity of topics and methods that are summarised under the umbrella term ‘systematic musicology’.

16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024)
The International Conference on Computer Supported Education is an annual meeting place for presenting and discussing new educational tools and environments, best practices and case studies on innovative technology-based learning strategies, and institutional policies on computer-supported education, including open and distance education. The next edition will be held in Angers, France, on May 2-4, 2024.
In this framework, the special session on Computer Supported Music Education aims to investigate the impact of computer-based approaches on music education. We welcome contributions focusing on the design, development, and use of advanced technologies to support learning and teaching actions in music creation, performance, and analysis.