Teaching Resources
Syllabus Bank
The syllabi below have been provided by SMPC members who teach courses on music cognition and who responded to our request for course syllabi in 2023. Syllabi are organized based on the department in which they are taught. To determine when a course will be taught next, please contact the instructor directly (SMPC does not have this information).
As an additional resource, here are slides from the Music Cognition Teaching Workshop presented at the 2024 SMPC meeting: Click here to download slides
Cognitive Neuroscience of Music, Dr. Jessica Grahn, Western University
Psychology of Music, Dr. Laura Getz, University of San Diego
Psychology of Music, Dr. James Mantell, St. Mary's College of Maryland
Music Perception and Cognition, Dr. L. Robert Slevc, University of Maryland
Psychology of Music, Dr. Joel Snyder, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Psychology of Music, Dr. Kathleen Corrigall, MacEwan University