Trainee Resources

Music Cognition Labs

Labs included on this map belong to SMPC members who have provided their location information. Nearby labs are clustered together. To see individual labs, click on the cluster to zoom in. Click on the lab name to link to the lab website.

If you wish to be added to the map, please reach out to the SMPC webmaster: webmaster [at]

If you are a student interested in pursuing research or a degree related to music cognition, please feel free to reach out directly to the individuals listed as the contact for each lab. Each lab is labeled as follows:

  • Green markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in music

  • Blue markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in psychology/neuroscience

  • Purple markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in electrical engineering / computer science

  • Orange markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in music and engineering/computer science

  • Red markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in music and psychology/neuroscience

  • Brown markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in speech language/communication science disorders

  • Yellow markers indicate labs without associated graduate programs

  • Pink markers indicate labs with multiple associated graduate programs (click on marker to read description for details on the associated graduate programs)

  • Grey markers indicate labs of retired members

Academic Programs

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of our field, most researchers typically receive degrees in broader disciplinary areas (such as psychology or music theory) rather than a specific degree in “music cognition.”

In general, if you wish to research music cognition, we suggest choosing a related major that you’re interested in (psychology, music, neuroscience, etc.). Then search the map above for labs in your area and reach out to ask about options for joining the lab.

However, specialized degrees in music cognition or music cognition-related fields have been emerging, which are listed below. This is not an exhaustive list, and as mentioned above, there are many universities where you can earn a degree in a generic area but are still provided opportunities for research in music cognition

(To add a listing, please email the SMPC webmaster: webmaster [at]

North America

UK and Europe